brown estate

Luxury and Comfort in Dammam

Experience exquisite architecture, tasteful rooms, and serene ambiance at Watheer Hotel in Saudi Arabia.

Luxury and Comfort at Watheer

Experience exquisite architecture, tastefully appointed rooms, and a serene ambiance at Watheer Hotel. Indulge in fine dining options with local and international flavors.

white bed linen with throw pillows
white bed linen with throw pillows
white chair near white wall
white chair near white wall
brown wooden armless chairs near table
brown wooden armless chairs near table

Unwind in Arabian Hospitality

Watheer Hotel offers a seamless blend of modern amenities and traditional hospitality, providing a peaceful stay for every visitor. Unwind, recharge, and indulge in luxury.

bread with sliced lemon on white ceramic plate
bread with sliced lemon on white ceramic plate

Comfort Hospitality

Experience luxury and comfort with traditional hospitality at Watheer Hotel in Dammam, Saudi Arabia.

Exquisite Architecture Rooms Serene
gray table lamp beside white bed pillow
gray table lamp beside white bed pillow

Discover tastefully appointed rooms, exquisite architecture, and a serene ambiance at Watheer Hotel.

bowl of cooked food
bowl of cooked food
hallway of building
hallway of building
Fine Dining Culinary Delights

Indulge in fine dining options with local and international flavors at Watheer Hotel.

Unwind Recharge Arabian Hospitality

Peaceful Stay Haven Pleasures

Discover Our Exquisite Hotel Experience

Exquisite architecture, tastefully appointed rooms, serene ambiance, fine dining options.

white bed comforter near table lamp
white bed comforter near table lamp
woman in front on brown dining table and chairs inside building
woman in front on brown dining table and chairs inside building
pool surrounded with trees and gazebos
pool surrounded with trees and gazebos
brown wooden bed frame with white and red floral bed linen
brown wooden bed frame with white and red floral bed linen
grayscale photo of wine glasses and bottle in tray
grayscale photo of wine glasses and bottle in tray
dish on white ceramic plate
dish on white ceramic plate